To: Moms
From: Another Mom
Date: April 2024
Subject: INTRODUCTION - Resolving to affirm, support, and empower other families, especially those managing medical conditions like food allergies
1. Why This, Why 2024.
I have been wanting to write about my parenting experiences, especially regarding food allergies and other medical challenges our family manages.
As a mom of three young children, however, it never seemed like the right time to prioritize that writing.
However, my own medical challenges have forced me to re-prioritize my interests like writing and helping others.
So, in 2024, I have resolved to use this platform to finally share my parenting experiences.
This newsletter is a MEMO format because I’m a lawyer. It’s a way I know how to communicate clearly.
My goal is to help other parents feel affirmed in their experiences, supported in their decisions, and empowered by that confidence.
2. Why Me.
I have three children: 7- year-old son, 4-year-old daughter, and 22-month-old son.
My older son has severe food allergies and eczema which have necessitated vigilant management including injections by me.
My daughter has respiratory complications which have necessitated medical procedures and hospital stays.
My younger son needed general anesthesia as a baby to insert ear tubes.
I am a civil litigation attorney. As a parent, my advocacy skills have become impactful in a way I never imagined. They have helped me champion my children’s health and wellness, especially for food allergy safety, and in turn teach my children self-advocacy.
I have a passion for supporting other families in their challenges. Previously, I designed a food allergy website to ease the journey for other families based on my experiences.
3. Why Us.
MEMOS to MOMS is a place where moms can intentionally gather to examine, acknowledge, and respond to their needs as a parent and as an individual.
I was inspired by an episode of Glennon Doyle’s “We Can Do Hard Things” podcast about intentional gatherings, which apparently start with a need.
In this type of gathering, with this type of intention, we gain information - maybe something we need but didn’t want to face; maybe something we need but didn’t know we need. That information comforts us that we’re not alone in our experiences. It helps us make more empowered decisions. This curates confidence. Then we become better versions of ourselves as individuals and as parents. This builds upon the vision set out in my food allergy website.
Hopefully a MEMO will give a questioning mom the confidence to pursue an allergy skin test, or to put a child under general anesthesia for a necessary procedure, or to trust their gut to seek emergency medical attention for their child. Maybe it even empowers a mom to pursue counseling for their own untreated need.
After struggling as a food allergy parent in isolation for several years, I am convinced that connecting with other parents is imperative. Whatever your need may be, it’s important to have support. Welcome to this community!
4. The Logistics.
I plan to post once a month. We will see how that goes. As I’m sure you can relate, a family’s schedule and priorities are constantly changing. Also, I may post more frequently if a topic is time sensitive.
I already have several pieces in mind for my next post. In the meantime, please enjoy the art below by my daughter. Isn’t it captivating?
DISCLAIMER: Nothing I have conveyed in my memos should be construed as professional advice of any kind including, but not limited to, medical and/or legal advice. You should always consult a doctor for medical advice and a lawyer for legal advice.